Acupuncture + Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are a relaxing, painless alternative for treating:
Musculoskeletal disorders
Nervous System disorders
Autoimmune disorders
Pain Syndromes: headaches (all types), neuropathy, idiopathic
Pathogenic disorders: Herpes Zoster, Influenza types, Common Colds, Hives, Rashes
Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Grief and Fear-related imbalances
Gynecological problems
Allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems
Gastrointestinal issues: IBS, Crohn's, Allergies/Intolerances
Side effects of Chemotherapy and Interferon Therapy
*A list of common conditions shown to benefit from the application of Oriental Medicine by the National Institutes of Health, as compiled by
What is Esoteric Acupuncture?
Esoteric Acupuncture, founded by Dr. Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac is an emerging branch of the ancient Chinese Acupuncture practice focused on creating energy balance in the body to live an overall happy, healthy, and fulfilling life.
Esoteric Acupuncture is an acupuncture practice of clearing and balancing the energy spin points in the body (Chakras) using sacred geometric patterns and a sequence of needle placement.
It focuses on awakening, expanding, and aligning your body’s energy frequencies to propel you to live a life matching the truest potential of your mind, body, and soul.
The Ideology Behind Esoteric Acupuncture
Each of us is born with limitless potential, however the stress and humdrum of life can cause an imbalance or blockage in our energy fields. These blocks hold us back from living our best lives, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Imbalanced energy blocks left unresolved often manifest themselves into a variety of physical and spiritual ailments like pain and stiffness, disease, or medical conditions impacting the organ or body part nearest to the affected energy center (Chakra).
This is why it is vital to our well-being to proactively make sure that our body’s energy centers are balanced and aligned with our consciousness. This forms the foundation behind Esoteric Acupuncture.
Chakras And How Is It Linked To Esoteric Acupuncture
Chakras (translates to ‘wheel’ in Sanskrit) are intangible energy spin points that lie on your spine line starting from the top of the head to the tail of the spine. There are 7 on-body chakras, each corresponding to the bundle of nerves, organs and body parts located within close proximity. Thus, it is important that the Chakras are balanced and ‘open’ for our mental, physical, emotional health and vitality.
Chakras trace back their roots in Ayurvedic Medicine which is an ancient Hindu alternative medicine system. Ayurveda originated more than 3,000 years ago in India and is known to be the oldest holistic healing system in the world. It works on the principle that our mind, body, and soul need to be in balance and work in alignment with each other for our overall health and wellness.
Esoteric Acupuncture combines the principles of Ayurveda with Acupuncture. It is performed by placing needles in sacred geometric patterns on the body to open up the chakras and expand consciousness to strengthen the body, mind, and soul.
Prevention & Wellness
This is the biggest distinction between Esoteric Acupuncture and other types of Acupuncture. While other acupuncture practices are mostly for therapeutic and treatment purposes, Esoteric Acupuncture is more prevention and wellness oriented. This means that, unlike other practices, it aims to prevent the need for any treatment by taking care of the overall health and wellbeing of the body in advance. This is done by clearing the Chakras to keep them open, balanced, and energetically aligned.
“The power of acupuncture is to harmonize and strengthen the body systems before a disease stage, but the power of esoteric acupuncture is to work with consciousness and strengthen the center which consists of the various levels of your heart.” Dr. Mikio Sankey, Founder of Esoteric Acupuncture and Author of Esoteric Acupuncture: Gateway to Expanded Healing
Shakuju therapy is a form of popular non-insertive acupuncture and moxa treatment based on ancient Chinese acupuncture. The theory was developed in Japan by a leading acupuncturist (Dr. Kobayashi) and translated into its English name "Acupuncture Core Therapy".
"Shaku" refers to a deep blockage of the life force energy and blood, where as "Ju" refers to superficial blockages of the life force energy and blood. One goal of Shakuju therapy is to remove all blood and life force energy blockages using effective points, the idea being to treat the root of illness rather than treating the manifestation of illness.
Moreover, Shakuju therapy treats the inherited life force energy from our parents which is a more fundamental level of life force energy in humans. The major area of treatment is the backside of the body. At the early stage of development, the kidneys which are a root of life in terms of Eastern medicine, have direct correspondence to the back of the body through which run life force energy pathway points.
In Japanese acupuncture the abdominal diagnosis is essential to determine the pattern of imbalance of the patient. In Shakuju therapy the focus is on the abdominal diagnosis as well. It is believed that the abdomen is the core of human body and illness appears in the abdomen as corresponding points which can be determined by abdominal palpation.
Acupuncture helps to stimulate the body's natural processes of cell reproduction and growth. Throughout the treatment series, you may notice other physical symptoms improve. It can address hormonal balance, it may delay the graying of hair and hair loss associated with aging. You may notice you have a better quality of sleep and increased energy. It will improve your digestion and metabolism and strengthen your immune system.
We offer the highest quality, Good Manufacturing Process, Chinese Herbals which are rigorously tested for contaminants from harvest throughout processing to packaging.
We prescribe Bulk (Raw) Herbs, tinctures, granulars (or powders) and capsules for ease of administration no matter how busy your lifestyle.
Brands which we favor are Classical Pearls Herbs, Golden Flower Herbs, Spring Wind Herbs, Evergreen Herbs and KPC Raw Herbs.